Federico Vecchi


Born in 1980 in Italy , Lives and works in Vienna, (AT)

In my research, I experiment with the traditional techniques of drawing, painting, and sculpture. Often they mesh with each other in such a way that the boundaries between them become blurred. This becomes apparent in the series of sculptures Formaunica. The fact that I add color when preparing the plaster betrays a pictorial approach: the material is subordinated to the color experience. The color serves as a link between form and material and breathes life into them. The series is also marked by an aesthetical metabolization of everyday life: the negative forms are created from by-products of daily consumption such as food packaging and garbage bags which accumulate in the studio where I also live. The imprint theme which appears in the sculptures is also leitmotiv of the paintings. I aimed to imitate digital effects with classical painting techniques creating figure-ground illusions and lookalike Photoshop effects. Most of the brushstrokes are partially washed away leaving just a trace of them, an imprint: the technique disowns the gesture to counterfeit the trace. Later some parts of the painting are masked and sprayed leaving further imprints on the surface which is enriched by more overlapping draperylike imprints which also influenced my graphics and drawings series. I am willing to reach an esthetic unity between painting and sculpture, where different figurative art languages melt into one another. In the next, I will create installations with painted walls, reliefs, and sculptures fused with painted walls, reliefs, and sculptures.



Lian Zhang


Gabriel Sanchez