Andrew Orloski

Andrew Orloski (b. 1986) is a multidisciplinary artist who primarily works in the language of sculpture. Andrew lives and works in Fresno, California but was raised outside of Philadelphia and has spent the past decade working for various colleges and universities around the country; namely Wellesley College in Massachusetts, Grinnell College in Iowa and most recently, California State University, Fresno. The artist is currently an MFA candidate at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and holds a BFA from Millersville University, Pennsylvania and a Post Baccalaureate in Sculpture and Extended Media from Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia. In 2021 Andrew has exhibited at Brea Gallery (Los Angeles, CA), The Sculptors Alliance (New York, NY), Independent Image (Chongqing, CN), Night Club Gallery (Minneapolis, MN) and will be participating in Enter Art Fair (Copenhagen, DK), Swab Art Fair (Barcelona, SP), Untitled (Miami Beach, FL) with upcoming exhibitions scheduled at Bubble nā€™ Squeak (Brussels, BE) and Gallery Anna Marra (Rome, IT). Also in 2021, Andrew was published in VAST Contemporary Art Magazine (USA) as an Artist to Watch and included in the editorial selection in Art Maze Magazine (London).

Andrew is represented by Gallery Nosco (Marseille, London, Brussels).

My current work explores notions of monumentalism and banality with an inquisitive look at mundane, often overlooked objects we surround ourselves with daily. My process utilizes a variety of traditional and contemporary mold making techniques, which aid in the transformation of objects through materiality. I am especially engaged in creating work that crafts narratives between the ephemeral and permanent. Industrial materials such as metals, glass, concrete and gypsum are essential to my process because of their deep roots in history and economy and can be cast, fabricated, welded and modified to allow weight and balance to work as subject matter.


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Maxime Jean Lefebvre