Bella Rios

I’ve always had trouble maintaining healthy relationships with people, whether they be romantic or platonic. My work not only examines dysfunctional relationships but also my art process helps me deal with toxic relationships with the hopes of discovering what makes a “healthy” relationship. I know exactly what I don't want in a relationship, yet I have no idea what I do want or what makes a relationship worthwhile. When making a new piece of work on this topic, the time period the relationship varies. This way my work has more variety and a wider range of interpretation. I find the best way for me to explore this topic is also through a variety of media. Media plays a very important role in my work. I first choose the type of unhealthy relationship or what is happening within it then proceed to pick the media I believe is the best to portray my topic. Media can speak volumes and can help the viewer understand more about the piece and look deeper into it. It can also speak to a wider variety of people and can help better portray the topics I am forcing people to have a conversation about. The titles of all my pieces are also essential. I use them to show what stage the relationship takes place in but also my commentary on that relationship. For each title I come up with, I make sure it relates directly to my personal relationships.


Brittany Miller


Sanker Ganesh