Camille Theodet

 Born in 1995 in the suburb of Paris, France, Camille did first Fine Art studies (bachelor) before to enter a private school of Special effects make up. After playing with different mediums and trying ways to express himself, it became clear that painting and drawing was the main mediums to be used.

He decided to move to Berlin in 2017, where he is now residing and working.

 I am influenced by the classics, dramatics, and religious paintings of art history. I am creating new sense from what already exists in those periods, and reuse picturial codes to reinterpret them. By using a modern eye,  I propose a very sarcastic and ridiculous vision of what was considered sacred, by using contemporary technics. This can be the merge of different pieces from different artists, or simply adding a few details that can change the whole meaning of the piece.

My paintings are influenced by my own experiences, the vices of the society and mine. The influence of the city of Berlin, its atmosphere, its open mindness, its creativity and its wildness if also a very strong influence.

I am working with airbrush painting, spraypaint, metal paintings. My current serie of paintings, “Holy ghetto”, intend to propose new modern stories from the religious and classical painting. The paintings emerge from street art-like background and become multi-material and provocative icons.


Alex Long Yuan


Ralf Kokke