Chloè Daniels

My work explores the moral and ethicality of the relationship that we, as a society, share with nonhuman animals and the dissociation that is embedded into us. Society has programmed us to believe the use of nonhuman animals for our own gain or profit is acceptable, and we have become so accustomed in believing this that we struggle to see the injustice that happens daily, all around the world. My artwork is made to capture the injustice and barbarity of animal abuse in all its forms, to challenge the viewer on their beliefs and identify how society has influenced them and to consider how we can evolve into a civilisation that shows kindness and consideration to all sentient beings. Using techniques such as knitting, crochet, and tufting that are often associated with femininity and the domestic, entices the viewer and provokes a sense of familiarity with the delicate materials. After associating the work with the meaning, the attraction of the material differs, knowing they represent such brutality.


Jonathan Virginia Green


Thierry Machuron