Chlo Finley

 Chlo Finley is an emerging fiber artist living and studying in Richmond, VA. Born in West Virginia in 1996 and raised in North Carolina, Finley’s quilted and woven sculptural works recontextualize cultural motifs from the American South with fiberwork by pulling from a wide palette of sustainable scrap fabric, local wool and cotton, and vintage materials in order to examine gender performance and identity politics. Statement My practice is an exercise in dichotomy, explored through the foiling of industrial construction materials with “natural” and self-produced elements - wire, wool, concrete, plastic, indigo, human hair, textiles, plant matter, etc. - and unified by a visual tactility. The material usage is informed by intuitive exploration, academic research, and personal roots in Appalachian craftwork. My works exist as artifacts made in response to a human urgency to know and unpack our reality/the cognitive dissonance that comes with that truth-seeking.


Danny Balgley


Bislacchi Studio