Eleonora Giavarina

My name is Eleonora Giavarina I was born in Verona, Italy (1992)

I grew up in a family of artists and craftsmen who encouraged me to cultivate the passion for art, in the family atelier she found an environment full of creative stimuli and began to devote herself to painting.

throughout my artistic high school years, deepened her visual arts studies, successively accomplished a degree in Art History at DAMS in Padova and a master's degree in Interior Design in Milan.

Watercolour, oil, pastels, but also fresco, and clay modelling: these are just some of the techniques I experimented with during my path, before choosing painting, but the language I prefers to represent my worlds is the canvas.

After numerous journeys and a period spent in New York, I moved to Milan, where I currently lives and works.

Oil paintings on canvas where the protagonist­­­ is the female figure; portrayed in private spaces.

My women are immersed in suspended time, a privileged moment reserved for introspection.

It is indeed a heartfelt and deeply personal search, born from self-representation and characterized by the choice of making self-portraits from my photographs.

Everyday objects are faithfully painted, almost in an academic exercise of copying from life, but transfigured by colour use; a brilliant colour, far from the desire of a naturalistic rendering, that magnetically attracts the spectator's gaze, projecting it into a dreamlike dimension.


Jamie Speck


Celine Ali