Ghislaine & Lando Fremaux-Valdez

Ghislaine and Lando Fremaux-Valdez inaugurated their collaborative partnership in 2018, and began exhibiting together in 2020. Both are pastelists and painters, and each claims portraiture as the origin of their artistic enterprise. Together, their work concerns the sensuality of grief, the medicalized subject, the experience of surgical intervention, and desire (and the concomitance of all of these). They undertake the ideational development and technical execution of each piece collaboratively, often drawing shoulder-to-shoulder, or in frequent alternation. The drawings follow from long conversations about their own relationship, the fathoming of each other as pathologized bodies and as objects of desire, the visual cultures of medicine and religion, and the responsibilities of figurative art. Lando maintains professional practices in portraiture and illustration. Ghislaine is Associate Professor of Art at the Texas Tech University School of Art. They enjoyed a one-month residency at the Anderson Center at Tower View in October 2021. There, they began new (not yet published) work, investigating forms of “miraculous healing”. Their drawings have been exhibited in shows juried and/or curated by Leslie Moody Castro, Juana Williams, Ksenya Gurshtein, and Pamela Phatsimo Sunstrum


Michael Dohr


Will Fice