Gillian Lapuz

Gillian Lapuz is an interdisciplinary artist based in Toronto, Canada. Lapuz’ body of work revolves around investigating and developing facets of queer identity. His interest of connection and relationship has ventured into a material based practice that examines personal intersecting aspects of love, fear and humour. Inspired by the material process of developing work, Lapuz attempts to render queer imagery through print, textiles, illustrations and wearable art. Gillian completed his BFA undergraduate studies at OCADU majoring in Printmaking and minoring in Material Arts and Design: Textiles.

These series of wearable pieces, both garment and balaclava, is a continued study of queer bodies and exploring the gender dichotomy. Created with a variety of media from cotton yarn to polymer clay, this work was developed right after the release of my thesis exploration. Looking to extend my thesis research, these experimental textiles attempts to further deconstruct the intersections of expression and performance. Through the physical sense of touch, these pieces become a reflection of my inner queer self rather than a mask to hide behind. Attempting to highlight facets of camp and playfulness, I also seek to construct silhouettes beyond the heteronormative gender binary. These textiles are intersections of fashion, art and costume amongst a symbol of queerness, youth and story telling. Through my word, I attempt to capture both the familiar and the abject by taking common materials out of context.


Conni Thiim


Minh Vinh