Josepha Dumas

Josepha Dumas is a Haitian-French inter(multi)disciplinary artist currently based in Montreal, Qc. She was born and raised in Port-au-Prince, Haiti and later moved to the USA and Germany before settling in Canada. She received her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Concordia University, Montreal, Tiohtià:ke QC, Canada in 2018. As she moves and grows within the Haitian diaspora, she explores the idea of scattered landscapes as a unified reflection of our identity. Her work has been published as book covers (portraits of Haitian writers) for six monographs by Pierre Raymond Dumas in 2022. One of her works was also published in Circe Magazine Issue II (February 2023) in Alberta, Canada and an interview of her was featured in COM, N°6 (Mars 2023) for international women's day. Dumas has participated in several group exhibitions in Montreal, Madrid and South Korea. Josepha Dumas' work has recently been reviewed by Le Nouvelliste, Sibelle Ayiti and Media Ayiti in Haiti.

All the disciplines she works with revolve in some way around the question of identity, a (lost) home, the cultural and social differences between countries, the emotional impact within the change of seasons, and the importance of space and time. For Dumas, there's a deep connection between drawing, painting, animation, music and video, and she finds it very important to work on different projects and disciplines side by side, which begin to unite in their differences. Overall, her work is about displacement, the search for identity, the familiar and the unfamiliar in foreign landscapes, and the dialogue between space and time. Dumas has two other pseudonyms: Mme. Blue for music and improVIE for experimental filmmaking.


Pasquale de Sensi


Frank Boyce