Kelly Tapìa-Chuning

Kelly Tapìa-Chuning (b. 1997) is a multicultural, Indigenous Chicana artist from southern Utah currently based in Detroit, MI. Tapìa-Chuning's work utilizes research, textile deconstruction, and needle-felting to examine the power dynamics attached to racial identity/culture, gender, and language.

In 2020, she received a BFA in Studio Arts from Southern Utah University; and is pursuing an MFA in Fiber at Cranbrook Academy of Art, where she was awarded a Gilbert Fellowship. Tapìa-Chuning's work has been included in exhibitions with the Utah Museum of Contemporary Art, GAVLAK (LA), and The Border Project Space (NY), and recently completed solo exhibitions with Red Arrow Gallery (TN) and Harsh Collective (NY). Her work has been featured in The Nashvillian, create! Magazine, All SHE Makes, Artsin Square, and Friend of The Artist. Tapìa-Chuning's work is in numerous private collections across the US and in public collections at Onna House in East Hampton, NY and the Southern Utah Museum of Art.


Kristy Hughes


John Sachpazis