Ki Yeun Kim

She got BFA from Maryland Institute College of Art in 2017. Back then, she received C.V Starr Scholarship and Transfer Scholarship, and right after graduation, she participated in the group exhibition named as “Night: The 28th Annual Strathmore Juried Exhibition” hold in Strathmore Hall Foundation, INC in North Bethesda, MD.

In 2022, She got MFA from Cranbrook Academy of Art. and during that year, she involved in “Michigan Emerging Artists Exhibition” in The Alluvium Gallery (Kendall College of Art and Design), MI.

She is living and work in NYC now, and her work is published in “Radiate & Repcat”, spring online exhibition catalog curated by Christina Massey. Recently, she participated in digital show “Gender Identity” at BROUHAHAART in Hong Kong, and she will join the “London Art Fair” in The Holy Art Gallery, London, UK.


Carina Earl


Lucia Rodriguez Perez