Louise McComiskey

Growing up in Northern Ireland I have been surrounded by the vast realm of nature. The natural world has had great influence throughout my work, and allows me to explore the true extent of my imagination. Often I find myself being fully immersed in daydreams, leading to the creation of new worlds, unusual objects, and magnificent creatures that now inhabit the depths of my mind.

To me, my art is a way of communicating, without a single word being spoken. It allows me to share even the most vulnerable and exciting parts of me and the world around us. It allows me to unravel the complex parts of my mind to find peace and understanding. Although all my creations are up for interpretation, I do hope to give the odd and restless soul who harmonises with mine, a sense of peace and belonging and maybe reignite a spark of ambition for living in this weird and wonderful world.


Joseph Justus


Aline Smithson