Maeve van Klaveren

My work is figurative. What you see is taken from daily life. They are feelings and ideas where I arise questions about human emotions, their happiness, flaws, their discomforts, their feelings, their thoughts, their secrets. I find that a lot of my favourite art is art that I don't quite understand the first time I see them. They seem to exist in a world of their own. The images feel authentic or true, but remain mysterious, as if a greater truth hangs over us. I see this not only in art, but in life itself, the tension between what we understand and what we don't understand. We often want to interpret things, make them insightful…I want to make things tangible in my work, not perse negotiable. I would like these drawings to be experienced as open, where the image I create is only a guide for the viewer, where the end is not defined yet. Not to flee but as a journey. As a kind of counter-reaction to the changing time around us. They are often soft, sometimes dreamlike images. Images of optimism, softness, longing, enlightenment, stillness, recongnition and a bit of melancholy. Being human and nature are important sources of inspiration. I focus on the materiality of the drawing. These elements I work out with the use of drawing material that can portray this in the best way, with a preference for watercolor and paste


Karolina Zglobicka


Michaela Brunner