Nimisha doongarwal

Nimisha is originally from India, currently living and working in San Francisco. Mixed media artworks Nimisha creates are grouped inventories of fragments: paintings, photographs, fabrics, and digital prints. The work explores the varying relationships between past and popular culture by referencing social issues such as racism, gender inequality, immigration, and so on. Every image tells a unique story by creating visual links to history and reality.

The work reproduces familiar visual signs and oral histories by arranging them into new conceptually layered collages. Her methodology is consistent while using a variety of materials and processes in each project. Each piece starts with a curated collection of photographs, fabric, and other materials. Her physical marks follow the repetitive process of going between tearing and layering prints, collaging, painting, stamping, and adding fabric. The layers vary in size, saturation, and opacity to emphasize compositions and concepts.

The conceptual portraits she creates have a new abstract identity, which reflects the cultural and traditional overlap that people worldwide went through over the centuries which has made us extremely similar, irrespective of the varied physical differences. Through her works, she wants to encourage people to embrace cultural diversity and fight for equality for all gender, color, race, religion, and so on. Her goal is to give a voice to social issues women and people of color face around the world, through her art and advocate awareness.

I am an immigrant from India. I came to the United States in 2007 for a Masters's in Computer Science. After finishing my Master's, I realized my true passion was art for self-expression. Currently, I am located in San Francisco where I practice arts.

I have been featured in publications and magazine such as Forbes, Maake magazine, Artmarket magazine and has exhibited in museums and galleries including the De Young Museum, Museum of northern California and Brown University. Through my works, I want to encourage people to embrace cultural diversity and fight for equality for all gender, color, race, religion, etc.


Eve Methot
