Ozan Adam

Ozan Adam studied art and cinema at Bard College for his BA, attended The New School University for MA in Media Studies. His artwork consists of painting, sculpture, design, animation, film, video and installations, which have been exhibited in solo and collective exhibitions and his films won awards at international festivals. He taught at universities, supervised film projects and gave lectures at many institutions such as Middle East Technical University, Bosphorus University, The Netherlands Institute of Higher Education, Aksanat Art Foundation and The Bauhaus Foundation in Germany. He has been invited to be a jury member by universities and film festivals. He wrote books, curated exhibitions and he opened his own art gallery. Many of his artworks and films have been awarded and presented by festivals, galleries and museums. He has been a member of the board of directors at The Film Makers’ Cooperative in New York. His works have been presented in Anthology Film Archives, Bowery Ball Room, Collective Unconscious Gallery, New Museum, Millennium Film Workshop, Tate Modern Museum, Rio Cinema, Martin Gropius-Bau Museum, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Louvre Museum and Pompidou Art Center, National Centre for Visual Arts, Reina Sofia National Museum, Istanbul Modern and Pera Museums.


Kenneth Susynski


Jill Winnie Moser