Pavlina Vagioni

My art is all about alchemy.  Re-enchanting our contemporary world through the timelessness of the myths and legends of my Hellenic heritage.  Using visual and aural means, I summon mythological creatures like the Sirens, Nyx, Medusa, etc.  I render the symbols and archetypes behind them to reveal their relevance and aliveness and bridge the chasm between Cartesian rationalism and the spirituality of human beings, nature and the cosmos.

 Despite the heterogeneous character of the resulting artworks, I use a set method of creation.  Each new project begins by researching written source material, analyzing the etymology of words in primary sources and interviewing knowledgeable people with original or unconventional ideas about the subject.  The more diverse my sources, the more ideas I generate and the richer my ultimate interpretation.  I decide on the materials based on my research.  This process allows me to explore novel renditions and continuously evolve.  The media also guide me toward the final work.  Each medium has different properties and behavior; hence a single project is expressed through a combination of various media, which complement my chosen theme.

 Pavlina Vagioni is a Greek multimedia artist with a kaleidoscopic practice ranging from installations to sculpting and painting to sound collages and digital works. The common thread of her works is the contemporary exegesis and relevance of classical myths. Using a scenographic approach, she varies the size of her works, from monumental to intimate dimensions, with a combination of abstract and figurative elements.

 Pavlina is an honors graduate of the Athens School of Fine Arts and a first prize diplomate classical singer of the Alexandroupolis Music Society conservatory in Greece with additional studies in music theory, composition and piano. She retains studios in Athens, Greece and Houston, TX, USA and regularly exhibits at Sawyer Yards in Houston, Kappatos Gallery in Athens and online. Recently, she showed her work at the Byzantine & Christian Museum of Athens, Greece. Her work has been featured in Vimagazino, Athinorama, Art Seen and New Visionary magazines.


Victoria Marie


De Buck Louise