Rachel Kenny

Rachel Kenny is a multi-disciplinary artist based in Dublin, Ireland with a Bachelor's degree in Fine Art Print from the National College of Art and Design. Having previously studied Philosophy, Sociology and Drama at University College Dublin, her work explores themes of time, identity and evolution through a conceptual art practice, utilising a variety of media such as printmaking, sculpture, textiles and video. She was granted the Graduate Award (2023) Graphic Studio Dublin, the Purchase Award from The Office of Public Works for the State Art Collection of Ireland and is currently a member of A4 Sounds Artists Studios & Gallery, Dublin.

Though often considered an abstract artist, Kenny finds great likeness with the surrealist movement and its artists, who stated, “the exploration of the unconscious mind through art could free the individual from the constraints of modern society.” Through a methodology which holds the duality and interrelationship of conceptual art and philosophy, Kenny seeks to observe the experience of mortality. The artist is captivated by time and its paradoxically finite and infinite cycles, often leading to existential questioning within her work. To honour the inevitability of death and decay while also celebrating transcendence and evolution; this is the artist’s mission.


Timka Szőke


Jaadyn Rogers