Shalu Juneja

Shalu’s practice responds to earth and nature as a subject primarily through her process of art making. She finds patterns in nature through sources that are as micro as the bacteria formation in dirty water to earth’s satellite imagery to depict them through the process of mark making. Shalu’s multilayered works explore the textures of erosions through rust; of decay through fibres; of disintegration through bleach; memories and more. Her resulting works hence often respond to topics of great relevance such as climate change, war and natural disasters experienced by humankind.

Shalu has done 4 solo shows thus far with her most recent one being ‘Design of Displacement’ at Canvas360, Ahmedabad, India in 2022. She has also participated in 12 group shows that include K-Art, Indo Korean Cultural and Information Centre, Korea, East Rising, Jaipur Contemporary, New York and 'Metal + ? =' , Splop Design, USA. She has also been featured in multiple publications such as Luminality, Second Edition, The Third Iris Zine, She The People and The Hindu. Born in 1966, Shalu lives and works in Ahmedabad, India.


Wendy S. Rolfe


Ruth Jeyaveeran