Tina Shan

Tina is a mixed media artist and illustrator living in Toronto. She graduated from OCAD University with a bachelor's degree in Illustration in 2021. Her work often has a vision of a fantasy world, combining reality and fiction to present a unique world view. Although she often paints scenes and concepts that are not part of reality, the theme of these images is still to explore the relationship between human society and the meaning of life. In Tina's work, you can often see a strong passion for life, which is closely related to her personal life experiences. In recent years, she has seen countless people exposed to the compressed negativity, the sickness and emptiness that is conveyed from the countless pains that overwhelm too many people. She wanted to think about the charm of living, of life, from the back side of the world, from the pain. Through her works, she wants to prove to people that love always exists, and that everyone has the basic right to pursue love and freedom. She always wants her works to be warm, and they will be like souls that convey her strong emotions and the beautiful meaning.


Niccolo Debole


Nick Fagan