Yonah Ma

Curseye is an emerging artist that just moved to the UK from Hong Kong. She has been doing art since she was a child, originally doodling as a hobby, then adolescence hit her like a truck and she decided to use art as an expressive form of therapy. But aside from mental health issues, she is currently fascinated about representing her bisexuality and cultural upbringings to the world. Drawing, painting, makeup and the occasional play of installations, she is willing to share her thoughts to the world to fascinate others.

In her illustrative work - 'Closeted', it outlines her every night routine of sitting at the family table for dinner with her conservative parents, as her mother babbles on her traditional opinions and likes to command the room with her voice, the father ever so quietly just sits there without intervening the one-sided conversation. In Curseye's mind, there are various queer opinions she has about herself and the world, but she refuses to out herself at the table, because she knows she there are consequences to a already fragile relationship with the family, so she sits quietly and pretend all conversations with the family are just white noises.

'Coping' is another heavily detailed illustrative work meant to express on the artist's mental situation. She has been dealing with depression and anxiety all her life, her inner child is ever wounded and the demons will always float among her. Time will only tell if the two can finally cope with each other in that complicated mind of hers.

'Adulthood' expresses on her views after graduations, where the artist needs to start establishing a career path ahead in the world of giants, but she has yet to find solid ground to settle and start growing. In the path of finding a job and motivation to move on, she found herself lost in the midst of this confusing reality.

'Climb for "Safety"' is a piece expressing on Curseye's perception of the world through a woman's eyes. The elder generation have seen the world more, and are spreading caution to the younger women out there of the dangers they can avoid. But even if the younger generation were to listen and has taken every precaution they can to avoid the dangers ahead in life, predators are still out there for the hunt.


Raffael Bader


Xuechen Chen