Luca Sára Rózsa
Luca Sára Rózsa: During the process of my work, larger-scale phenomena and global problems serve as a starting point, which – although my focus remains on mankind -are then not examined in a socially critical tone or with a fact-finding attitude. Rather, my goal is to understand man as a living being in his reactions to a given phenomenon or problem. I work in cycles on various topics that interest me, but which I try to come to a general conclusion about that may be of interest to other people as well.
I spent a long time understanding the human need for religion and then or at the same time for power: our need for permanence, which may be somewhat provided by a god or a ruler, stems from our finite and uncertain existence. Thus, from the moment on that the consciousness of death is grounded and our fear of it appears, it’s a short way to go towards religion, loyalty towards power or to the most daring ideologies.
Later, the big problem of our present, the completely tyrannical evisceration of nature came to my attention. I put my figures back to nature, from which they have long since moved away, and which they still believe may be the object of their possession: here however, man is already fallen, naked and vulnerable, as he has no real control over the environment.
Lately I’ve been greatly impressed by Albert Camus’ absurd philosophy. I placed my figures in a utopian, dreamlike landscape of solitude, where they are forced to face their own anxieties stemming from the eternity of the world and the insurmountable contradiction of their own finality.