Tomas Morell


Binding: Soft Cover, Perfect Binding

Page count: 40 pages

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Using narrative and rhetorical resources including satire and allegory, Tomàs Morell explores themes such as gender identity and intimacy, as well as the inequalities of wealth and power that are products of our digital age. His engagement with the human figure forms the basis of his research into social meaning. While attempting to investigate new conventions of figuration, he addresses themes that are of recurring personal importance. In the works of recent years, he addresses both male and female identity through the use of contemporary stereotypical images, intertwined with personal memories and experiences. The invented scenes have a humorous character, sometimes bordering the grotesque.

They allude to the debate surrounding gender identity, using feminine and masculine clichés as they emphasize irony in their approach to the human condition. Tomàs Morell has a degree in Fine Arts from the Kunst Akademie in Nuremberg. His work has been exhibited at galleries and institutions throughout Europe, such as Castello de Rivara, Turino, Italy, Rodzłø Gallery and Galerina Steiner in Berlin, Pfaffenhofener Kunstverein in Munich, and Erlanger Kunstverein in Germany. In Spain he has exhibited at the Galeria Maeght, Galeria Uxval Gochez, Galeria H2O, Centro de las Artes de Vallgrassa, Museo Orozkco in Bilbao and Espai Casinet in Masnou, Barcelona.