Jean Robert Alcindor

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I live in Le Bouscat (near Bordeaux) in France. I'm a psychoanalyst the day, compulsive painter in the evening. My father was a sunday painter, consequently I think that was my first contact with art. For as long as I can remember I've always drew. I wan ted to be a cartoonist. My artistic references at that time were a bit heterogeneous, from Tex Avery to Modigliani.

My first visit in a gallery was Le Centre Pompidou in Paris. I remember that I wanted to live in the gallery forever! All that artistic eff ervescence marked a point of non return, I definitely wanted to be an artist. When I was 11 years old my parents gave me a guitar. I played in my first band when I was 18 and in fact it was the beginning of a great adventure, gigs, some contacts with majo rs. Music took a large place in my life while the pencils were in a long standby. In 2018 I bought my very first canvas. At the beginning I wanted to explore to explore abstract painting but gradually my artworks became more and more figurative. I'm a sel f taught artist so my apprenticeship is made of mistakes, findings...

To be a self taught artist, in my case, means studying great established artists by my own means, such as Francis Bacon, Nicole Eisenman, David Park, Katerine Brdaford, Lucian Freud, Pi casso of course, Georg Baselitz, to name a few and many more...

I find inspiration in everything around me, the news, people in the streets, bizarre situations, funny facts. I love bringing to light ridiculous traits of life.


Jade Ching-yuk Ng


Jeroen Duijf