Allison Kimsey

Allison Kimsey is a painter and creative based in Miami, Florida. Her most recent series, (Un)Conscious, is acrylic paintings based on collages she creates digitally. She uses these pieces to approach and deal with bittersweet topics from an angle that feels akin to modern life with its digital elements and immense supply of visual media. The series’ name is derived from the duality she experiences in building a collage— some elements are chosen carefully, consciously, while others are randomly sourced, placed, or added to reveal unconscious drives. Much of this inspiration is derived from the artistic traditions of automatism and surrealism. Furthermore, (Un)Conscious references contemporary life (much like the early 20th century collagists did) and all its digital applications in that it acknowledges the ways we can live on autopilot— acted upon by diverse influences— while embracing a conscious examination of our lives and worlds that allows a bit of mystery and chance to remain. She is passionate about communication and connection through art and as a result, intentionally obscures the meanings behind her work, allowing viewers to draw their own conclusions and relate the scenes to their own lives.


Roy Forget


Alexander Robinson