Roy Forget

Figuration has always been the motor that pushes my painting forward. The motivation is a need to concretize the human form within a space as a way of reconstituting missing pieces of existence.

Over time, this research of form and weight of figures in space has given way to a trajectory of disintegration. Even though the paintings are rooted in the will to make forms concrete and weighted, their presentation have become broken into planes and light effects that push the paintings towards abstraction. By no means is this a one way street, however. Each subject I have chosen to work with often start with a barebones research of its formal representation in the space of the canvas. However, as a series of paintings develop around the idea, often, the subsequent work will expand and contract and like a crack on a wall, the figuration will fissure and break open.

This trajectory that I describe is my way of working through an idea, by way of cycling through methods of figuration, trying to study the material through the lens of different optics, not drawing conclusions but allowing the idea to expand and develop, and disintegrate.


Natalia Rodriguez


Allison Kimsey