Anja Rausch

Anja Rausch (1992) is a visual artist based in Berlin with a studio in Charlottenburg. Her artistic practice incorporates drawing and oil painting. Anja Rausch‘s art deals with the tilting moment between physical surface and inner images. The subject of her paintigs moves between photorealistic matter and strange grown structures. Central themes are: the fragile inside/invasive outside, fertility and incarnation. Anja Rausch attended a private Art School in Aschaffenburg (2000–08), in which she later also worked as a teacher (2008–12). 2011–12 she finished her vocational diploma majoring in Fine Arts (Eugen-Kaiser-School, Hanau 2011–12) followed by her Diploma in Visual Communication (Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences 2012–17). Her background in clothing technology (Technical College of Fashion, Aschaffenburg 2009–11), her work as a graphic designer (Bureau Sandra Doeller, Frankfurt am Main 2016/17; Bureau Borsche, Munich 2015/16) and as a exhibition designer (chezweitz GmbH, Berlin 2017–22) has influenced her artistic approach and visual signature. Due to her professional career in scenography the artist developed high awareness of the confrontational possibilities that images can develop in spaces beyond their actual medium. These oppositional/dialogical studies, as well as processual narratives of series are crucial for Anja Rausch‘s work.


Hannah Rothbard


Petra Schott