Clara Nulty

Born and raised in New York, Clara Nulty now lives and works in Louisville, CO. Nulty completed her MFA in Painting at the Cranbrook Academy of Art in May 2021. She also holds a BA in Studio Art from Carleton College in Northfield, MN, where she graduated magna cum laude in 2014. She currently teaches painting, drawing, and foundational courses at Colorado State University, University of Colorado Boulder, and Front Range Community College. She has shown at galleries across the United States. Recently her work has been featured in exhibitions at Ortega y Gasset in Brooklyn, NY, the Frank Lloyd Wright designed Smith House in Bloomfield Hills, MI, the Attleboro Arts Museum in Massachusetts, and D’Art Gallery in Denver, CO in exhibitions curated by Dr. Gwen Chanzit and Doug Kacena. Clara Nulty had solo exhibitions at the Birmingham Bloomfield Art Center in Birmingham, MI and Firehouse Art Center in Longmont, CO in 2022


Sophia Rosenthal


Katrina Cobb