Sophia Rosenthal

Sophia Rosenthal is a contemporary painter exploring complex themes of belonging and memory.

Sophia was born in Seoul, and raised in the Philippines before settling in the UK in 2013. Graduating from Fine Art at Falmouth University in 2019, Sophia has been an artist resident at the historic Porthmeor Studios in St Ives (2018) and exhibited works with Tate St Ives (2018), at The Poly (Falmouth, 2018), The Cornish Bank (2021), Assembly Point Studios (selected graduate works by Saccha Craddock and Jesse Leroy-Smith, Peckham, 2019), and open studios at the Academy of Fine Art in Venice (2018) as an Erasmus Exchange student.

More recently she completed a residency with Museum of Loss and Renewal (Italy, 2023) and participated in the Open Studios at Bow Arts Trust (Vauxhall, 2023) and a group show at St Luke's Church, Earl's Court, London (2023). She is a current MA Fine Art student at City & Guilds of London Art School.


Vanessa Bolinger


Clara Nulty