Daria Zasukhina

Daria Zasukhina currently lives in Budapest but was born in Russia. She studied at the All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography named after S. A. Gerasimov (specialty "Painting").

Daria mainly works in oil painting on canvas. The artist prefers not to be limited to one genre, so often throughout the entire period of her work you can find such genres: portrait, landscape, still life. The means of self-expression of the artist is color. With the help of color combinations, the author conveys the emotional and semantic image of the work. Also, the details play an additional supporting role, revealing the image of the work. Details can be both the details of the character's costume and the attributes of the interior. For inspiration for her oil paintings, the artist turns to the works of old masters. Based on ideological and compositional techniques, Daria processes them through her own prism of perception. The artist draws themes for her works from personal life situations, often the artist's inner circle becomes the models, thereby viewing the author's personal experiences and feelings towards her model. Also, the artist prefers to completely immerse herself in the theme of her work and carefully collects all the necessary material. At the moment the artist is working on a series of still lifes. This cycle of works varies from realistic to abstract painting, representing kind of an image of two styles.The author's works are in private collections in Russia, Germany and Hungary.


Doreen Chew


Armando Cabba