Armando Cabba

Born in Montreal, Cabba earned his BFA from Concordia University. He was then accepted into The Florence Academy of Art the following year where he attended briefly before opening his own studio in Italy. Armando’s work is held in private collections in the United States, Europe, and Canada. After a few years working independently in Italy, he’s moved to Paris where he currently continues to create.

Each painting is a recording of one's state of mind thus depicting a persona. Emotions can reoccur but how we experience them can never be duplicated. The grapple between depicting what we see versus how we feel. I believe it's important in the world of social media to explore moments where we aren't depicting ourselves in a positive light. These times are what make us human. What is created is the transcript between the artist and themselves. A record of existence reciting the conversation exclusively held in silence and solitude.


Daria Zasukhina


Arielle Tesoriero