Drew Griffiths

My work leverages the power of shape, texture, and color fields to connect create an emotional impact with the viewer's subconscious. By balancing the delicate folds and curvature of paper against the heavy wooden base a strong sc Work that longs to be touched, examined, discussed because of what is just beneath the surface. The composition is instantly accessible but demands contemplation allowing viewers to access an emotional set based on personal experiences driven by past recollections and the power of primary colors and shapes. It presents a bridge to a deeper and more contemplative experience with subtle strokes of texture and paint that forces the individual to consider how this art represents the current climate of our society, relationships to technology, and our desire for beauty through materialism.

My work leverages the power of shape, texture, and color fields to connect create an emotional impact with the audience. The delicate fragile folds and curvature of paper balanced against the heavy wooden base create an instant dichotomy to contemplate. It presents a bridge to a deeper and more contemplative experience with subtle strokes of texture and asks the viewer to consider how in the current climate of our society, technology, the fragility of beauty, and relationships.


Bex Massey


Josefina Ayllón