Emi Avora

Emi Avora is a Greek born, UK trained and Singapore based artist who has exhibited internationally.She is drawing subject matter from her everyday life in Asia as well as her Greek ancestry with a focus on the interior and still life. Sometimes dreamy, sometimes intense and with the use of light on the driving seat, her work allows space for invention, creating a gap between looking and making, between the real and the imaginary. Everyday observations become exaggerated through the use of colour and change of scale, focusing on what surprises her or grasps her attention. She is one of the 2020 Delphian gallery open call group exhibition winners and her work featured in the last publication of Friend of the Artist (FOA) and of Create! magazine. Her most recent group shows were in May at Alliance Française, Singapore and in September at Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne, Singapore organized by Intersections gallery


Zhexing Shang


Juan Correa