Zhexing Shang

I am born in Henan China in 2000, and I am currently a senior BFA student majoring in Fine Arts at School of Visual Arts in New York. After graduating from Fine Arts School Affiliated to China Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2018, I have worked from painting, sculpture, and digital work and now mainly focusing on drawing. My drawings themselves are theme-free, and I choose pencil as the material to simplify the colors into black and white and gray. Like Japanese black and white manga, I want it to give the reader room for imagination in terms of color, so this kind of interaction between the viewer and the work is the theme of my works. I like to keep the randomness of my images, and I draw almost whatever comes to mind. In my first workpiece of drawing, the idea of the hand came from the baroque style I liked and the animation I saw as a child. Most of the elements were just randomness in the sense that I thought the shape would look good in a specific part of the picture, so I drew it that way.


Hilla Spitzer


Emi Avora