Femke Moedt

The Amsterdam based visual artist

Moedt has been working on an introspective oeuvre related to gender since 2021.

With these non-binary portraits, the artist is not only concerned with physical appearances, but more importantly, to translate a fragmented, inner world into expressive and meaningful (mixed media) paintings.

The work can be recognized by its powerful compositions, strong contrasts and the use of magazine cut outs in combination with painting.


There's no light without dark, no love without fear, and in the case of a non-binary person like myself, there's no gender without male/female.

With my paintings/collages I'm asking the question when's an image perceived as male or female. I guess I'm searching for the one that's right in the middle. My aim though is to portrait not only physical appearances, but more important, expressing the inner process non-binary people may experience.

Moedt studied at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy and obtained the diploma in Visual Arts in 2010.

In addition to the art practice, Femke is also a host and social media coordinator at art space NDSM FUSE (@ndsmfuse) located at the NDSM WARF in the north of Amsterdam.


Gemma Pepper


Jen Dwyer