Harsimran Juneja

Harsimran Juneja is a self-taught artist who attempts to build a perception about living life within a society of contrasts, contradictions and conflicts through his practice. With personal experiences at the core of his works, he employs drawing, painting and text in his artistic pursuits to portray narratives that can be interpreted plurally. These narratives habitually draw inspiration from social observations and personal experiences; often culminating as statements relevant to the current socio-political and cultural landscape.

Harsimran’s visual language oscillates between representation and abstraction, inspired by primitive imagery, mythology and spaces. While figures, the idea of space and texts dominate his works, nature, everyday objects and enigmatic symbolisms are just as recurring. In his approach, Harsimran surrenders himself to the act of painting, letting intuition guide him. As a result, there is always a contrast, contradiction or conflict in his work that directly correlates with the tension between values and desires, aggression and composure that is personal to his nature.

The tenets of Harsimran’s own nature that drive his work lay an emphasis on his personal conflicts, and also reflect on the politics of human nature. Can wo/man act solely on values or on desires? What values does a wo/man give up to fulfil her/his desires? And in pursuit of understanding these conflicts, Harsimran’s resulting works are hence revealing yet concealing. An outcome that echoes on his existence within society; or perhaps without society.

Harsimran participated in his first online group exhibition titled Surface: The Online Edit with Artbuzz Studios, Delhi in 2020. Since then, he has participated in several other online art exhibitions including ‘The Group Show’ with Shrine NYC, ‘Infinity’ with The Holy Art, London and ‘When Words Fail’ with Visionary Art Collective, all in 2021. Harsimran’s work has been published in Boomer Magazine by Boomer Gallery, London in 2021. Most recently, his works were selected for display at Gallery 78, Hyderabad, India. Born in 1995, Harsimran works and lives in Ahmedabad, India.




Gemma Pepper