Inga de Martin

My initial inspirations for this series of my recent abstract figurative works were fleeting memories that evoked deep emotions as well as spiritual longings. They allude to such moments when the mind has space for contemplation and meditation on the natural environment. From a metaphysical perspective, I view the works as expressions of creation in its various manifestations: biological, artistic, and contemplative.

I strive to respond to each canvas with intention and acceptance - approaches that reach beyond painting into all areas of my life. Each of the paintings is like a memory, but a memory that is more of an "idea" or "emotion" that is not fundamentally rooted in a specific moment. I hope that the ambiguity and abstraction of the work will foster a phenomenological state in which the viewer can have a direct, unmediated experience of the work.

Abstractions are to me products of metaphysical thinking.

I am trying to circumvent with my paintings the prefabricated alternatives that lie between sensation and thought, senses and intellect.


Elleny Gherghe


Claire Lee