Jakub Pasierkiewicz

The main focus of my work is placed upon compilations of various pre-existing materials, which were collected from the surrounding environment and then given new significance in an image. By interrupting the natural processes of these materials, I take away their primary functions. When one process stops, another starts: by alternating, layering, and arranging them together, I allow them to develop, almost like being reborn, gaining new implications within a new context. By adopting found fragments of paper and other materials I observe the metamorphosis which has taken place and either follow the initial motif/ structure/ form or by ignoring this imprint of nature I try to discover a new potential by introducing new mechanisms in order to develop new integrity. The materials are treated here as a medium and a process rather than as a surface. Following Dadaist's idea which says that everything is everywhere and conversely, I experiment with the medium to give the viewer impulses to find his or her own path to interpretation.


Botticini Anna


Vanessa Mitter