Katya Labowe-Stoll

Katya Labowe-Stoll is a multidisciplinary artist working in painting and drawing. She received her BFA from the Rhode Island School of Design in 2021 and currently lives in Brooklyn, NY. She explores what it means to mythologize objects and ideas. To delude ourselves and formulate new realities which you are then governed by. Organic lines and transparent washes formulate her own delusional reality in which the characters and objects teeter between real and unreal, new and old. Bodies are the source of the landscape, stripped down to its weather. They include no specific landmarks or objects, simply defined and sustained by the figures held within them. The figures appear still and withholding while whirlpools of contemplation move within them. Currents and tides seep out of their pores and into the atmosphere, creating a world built on the makings of their inner landscapes. A Newtonian equal and opposite reaction allows the space to hold up and to exist. The figures exert themselves onto their environment which does so back on to the figures. The artist is investigating the power our minds have in dictating our reality. Building the world and the figures within it helps her navigate her own delusions. She is posing the question: What are we to do with an awareness of our own delusions?


Emerson Pullman


Sara Rieber