Sara Rieber

Every day we wake up and put on a different costume. We are costumes of the human mind. My work like life, begins with the womb and a word. bAUm bAUm. BAUM BaUM. My work is a personal commitment to express and heal myself through an anthropological and spiritual evaluation. I’m curious about what is happening under the many layers our bodies, mind and earth, and how society codes these layers with language, color and traditions. This impacts my work as it develops into multiple layers of identification with creation.   My work is informed by my current experience trying to heal my body, using visual meditations and dreams as my channeling to visual translations. I translate a healing and visual expression by using certain materials to make my own tempera and casein paints out of ground healing stones, ground roses and makeup.   As I examine traditions,  I use  tempera and silverpoint in juxtaposition to cotemporary materials such as makeup, glitter and other adornments to be able to translate the customs, colors and language into the appearance of our times. I have documented my current journey on healing my body as well as index the makeup colors I have collected based on language. I identify myself with the creation of Mother Earth and the womb. bAUm bAUm, BAUM BAUM. 


Katya Labowe-Stoll


Russ Rubin