Lize Krüger

Through my work, I developed a visual language that makes sense to me. I never shy away from the difficult things in life but always need to search for a slither of hope in order not to become entirely consumed by despair because life will always present us with polarities, and we have to experience both. Sometimes even the most challenging thing has the potential to offer us an incredible gift. First, however, we have to be willing to see it.

During my work process, I am always eager to see how one image can evolve into another one. I only recently explored the use of the digital medium as an extra tool for expression. It is an exciting process that often takes me on surprising journeys of discovery. Creating a message is usually exciting because I have to find the perfect balance between what will invoke emotion in my viewer land make people think about it long after they studied the artwork. I prefer to work with accidental elements that occur when I superimpose images. It forces me to adjust and to find new potential in what is in front of me. I love the challenge the process presents to me because it pushes me out of my comfort zone. It is also the perfect analogue to my personal life. I had to reinvent myself numerous times during my lifetime, so this creative method works very well for me.

Lize Krüger is a South African artist who received her BA Fine Art Degree in 1988 from The University of Northwest in South Africa. Lize has had numerous solo exhibitions and participated in group exhibitions through the years. In the early 2000s, before she moved to the UK in 2014, she taught art lessons to students at a quadriplegic facility and an underage abuse victim's center.


Aditi Kashyap


Jessica Pliez