Majlinda Agaj

Majlinda Agaj is Albanian-Italian artist based in Brussels.

She is an amateur photographer.

She firstly graduated as an actress at the National Academy of Teatro Stabile di Torino and later in Political Science in Rome.

Theatre, cinema, photography, literature and nature are some of her driving passions.

Her favorite universe is the human universe : she is interested in people.

Photography is an immediate action, a work of intuition and empathy with what she looks at. It is a visual joy, a way of telling stories. She mainly photographs people whom she loves because they allow her to access their most intimate area and to capture that moment of authenticity and spontaneity that is able to tell their essence. She loves pictures that have an open ending, those that are an interpretation left to the viewer.

In Viva la Figa !, she plays with some dear friends of her around the concept of body intimacy and freedom. She believes that women should not be afraid to show themselves. « When we have the chance to be who we really are, and we are not afraid, we thrive. »

Immortalizing naked people is something natural to her. What surprises her is to see how nudity and sexuality can still be offensive or disturbing for many people. There are so many taboos about the female body, even and especially by women. People are easily impressed by things that for her are among the most normal and natural.

With "Viva la Figa », she wanted to show how beautiful her friends are, she had hope to think she could change the way they see themselves forever.

For future projects, she would like to photograph men as well. She said « I am inspired by beauty, no matter if woman or man, young or old. »

She appreciates a certain photography which is always black and white. It's a matter of personal taste, harmony and delight for the soul.


Thierry Machuron


Palina Kasino