Maral Maric

About myself and my mental art process

Born in the very late 80s and living all my life until now in the (sometimes) wonderful city of Berlin, I always loved being creative. My stages went from painting to writing and led me over photography to 3d modeling. All these art forms followed me my whole (very technical and less artistic) educational career, which I ended with my Masters Degree in the field of Computer Sciences.

I never could decide for one of these art forms and struggled more and more with this question, which I identified as a problem at that time, especially with my late entry into social media. The insecurity was mainly caused by the great respect for other artists, and made it hard to identify and respect myself as an independent artist as well.

It took some time to find confidence in my style and artwork. Perhaps becoming a mom also played a role in this process and that the way I saw myself.

All art forms are important tools to express yourself and there is no wrong or right on how you see the world through your eyes and depict it through your art. Just do what you love and spread it into the world!

About my photography style

My style of photography has evolved over time with growing experience and photo editing skills, opening up my preference for a sleek and grainy look with slightly muted colors. This style reminds me a little bit like the photo has already been printed in a magazine and cut out again (maybe its a 90’s kid thing?) - and somehow I like this idea :)

My various photo series have filtered out over time. I noticed that there are similarities among all the different motifs and have started to group them into series, some of them are complete and some will be extended over time.

In the rarest of cases I’ll start with a specific motif in mind and plan the shot in advance. Rather the images appear randomly and are captured the way they caught my eye. I don’t know, if my style would differ from now, if I had significantly more resources, but I somehow like the realism of the everyday life and the down-to-earthness, both of which also can be great storyteller.


Palina Kasino


Eric Weytens