Nina Baxter

Born in London (1992), Nina Baxter received a BA in Art History from the Courtauld Institute of Art in 2013 and currently lives and works in London. Her paintings have been exhibited and collected internationally, with work in private collections across the UK, USA, Europe and China.

Between 2012 and 2019 Nina worked primarily as an abstract painter, her geometric compositions and abstract landscapes were shortlisted for the Royal Arts Prize, the Sunny Arts Prize and widely exhibited, including art fairs such as The Affordable Art Fair in London and Red Dot Miami.

Around 2020, coinciding with the global pandemic, Nina decided to change her materials from acrylic paints to oils and return to figurative painting and more intimate subjects. Her current work includes portraiture, still life and larger figurative compositions which highlight everyday moments of quiet euphoria, self-reflection, and interpersonal relations. These paintings have become meditations on the artist’s day to day thoughts, feelings, struggles, and pleasures, particularly centred around the themes of love and intimacy. Nina Baxter's recent paintings have been featured in publications such as Art Maze Mag and Create! Magazine, as well as recently exhibited at London's Studio West gallery in Notting Hill.

Working from photos taken during her day-to-day, this series of oil paintings celebrates and elevates small moments of joy in delicate detail. The titles add a narrative element to the work, leaving room for personal interpretation by positioning the viewer in the first-person perspective.


Judy Gee


Adam Khalid