Tamara Pavlovic

Tamara Pavlovic is a contemporary visual artist, originally from Belgrade Serbia, based in Sydney, Australia with an art practice across painting, mixed media and video performance. Pavlovic’s interest lays in female identity, female psyche and the body and they have been the starting point of her works. The themes of belonging and memories are an ongoing project in Tamara’s practice. Pavlovic’s figurative works depict the female protagonists. These intimate portraits are often placed in dreamlike spaces, that hints at her interest in surrealism and psychology. Tamara gained Master of Art at UNSW Art & Design, Sydney in 2019. In 2020 she won Works on Paper Prize from Blackstone Gallery, Newcastle and has been participating in solo and group exhibitions and art awards internationally and across the country.


Tiffany Moore


Souibgui Kaouteur