Theo Overgaauw

My artistic practice is one of constant evolution, shifting between ideas and techniques as I seek to keep the process fresh and challenging. From my early days at the academy where I began with figurative work, I have moved through phases of abstraction and returned to figurative painting. Each transition unfolds slowly, reigniting the challenge and bringing new energy to my work.

Life experiences, such as the loss of a loved one or a move from a bustling city to a quiet countryside, have played significant roles in shaping these transitions. Currently, my work focuses on the relationship between religion, specifically Christianity, men, women, and the impact of these relationships on society. I question the centuries-long influence of strong religious rule that, despite a weakening religious influence in today's society, continues to shape our laws and our perceptions.

My work oscillates between abstract and figurative styles, with phases where one style dominates over the other. I primarily work with acrylics and oil paints on linen, starting with a blank canvas and little to no preliminary studies. This approach lets me paint freely, avoiding the constraints of detailed studies that, for me, can stifle the joy of painting and the life of the work itself.


Pippa Ho


Mark Engel