Tiantian Ma

Chinese-born, in 1997, and New York-based, Tiantian Ma received her B.F.A. in Painting from Pratt Institute in 2020. Oil on canvas is her main medium.

Tiantian embraces her spirituality. Under the influence of Transcendentalism, Tiantian has deep gratitude and appreciation for nature, and she emphasizes that humans would have harmony and resonance with nature. She believes that humans and nature share a universal spirit.

Meanwhile, Tiantian explores how to square the subjective nature of lived experience with the spiritual, inherently unknowable world. She tries to capture the shining moments of divinity/spirituality from everyday life. Under the guidance of instinct, Tiantian imagines a world where animism and empathy, as her favorite poem: “I am integral with you…. I too am of one phase and of all phases.” (By Walt Whitman, Song of Myself)


Melissa Ling


Lindsy Davis