Xuanru Wang

Xuanru Wang is an MRes Student at the Royal College of Art currently. She is a multi-media visual artist working in ceramic sculpture, moving image, photography, and painting. Xuanru Wang's artworks are focused on the theme of The Queer State of Eros, and her research is mainly based on psychoanalysis, literature, iconography, and western occultism.

In the project, NO MAN EVER STEPS IN THE SAME RIVER TWICE, Xuanru Wang applied ceramics as the substitute for paper and changed the space to which the image is attached and limited. This way, the meaning of photographic images will be expanded and alienated, so it is with the image itself. At the same time, the characteristics of sculptures also provide a three-dimensional intersexuality interpretation, which is also a focus explored in the project.

Xuanru Wang views her multi-media approach to art creation as a translation exercise. She attempts to express the same subject through different mediums, noting the deformation and fission of the content, to collect the "absolute metaphors" born in the process and thus perpetuate the different forms of artistic expression.


Fatou Bessem


Agnes Havran